( 9 Articles )

Solfeo will make you learn to read music the right way. We have so far 4 levels.
( 12 Articles )

Learning to play an instrument takes time, and practice, and there is nothing better to practice with, than studies. Studies are exercises for specific tasks. There are many studies for all instruments, and if you want to play really good, you have to play many studies.
( 18 Articles )

The best way to learn chords in music is when you have to play songs. Learn a song using two chords and you will learn those two chords. Then another song with more chords, and little by little you will learn enough chords to play almost any song.
( 3 Articles )

The only way that you can gain speed to play faster songs is playing a lot of scales. Scales are also good for solos, and playing melodies. All the songs in the world are made with some kind of scale, just imagine how important scales are
( 47 Articles )

Learning to play an instrument takes time, and practice, and there is nothing better to practice with, than studies. Studies are exercises for specific tasks. There are many studies for all instruments, and if you want to play really good, you have to play many studies.