Solfeo No. 5 - Level 1 - California Music Conservatory PDF Print E-mail
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Saturday, 06 October 2012 00:21



SOLFEO for Beginners I


Reading & Writing Music - OFFICIAL LEVEL ONE

The best way to really learn how to read and write music.

Reading music is not easy, or at least that's what they say, but in real life IT IS EASY! It just takes time, a lot of time!

When you want to learn how read music, you have to have an organize way of doing it, if you are not organize, you will never learn how to read music. The best way to learn is using SOLFEO, or SOLFEGE, an Spanish word or french word for the same thing, Reading and writing music. Here at the California Music Conservatory we teach you how to read music, how to write music and also ear training so you can play any song by ear. You just have to be patience and study a lot, you also have to have discipline, and study every day, if you do so, you will learn. This is the very first thing you learn when you want to learn how to read music a little Solfeo with just 1 note. Do. (By the way, you have to learn the name of the notes, not the letters)

1 Plain Sheet Music Practice Sheet
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Last Updated on Saturday, 16 March 2013 23:46